di 13:30 - 18:00; woe-zat 10:30 - 18:00

Gratis verzending binnen Benelux vanaf €150!

Blauw Belgium - Privacy Policy

Blauw respects the privacy of all users of its site and ensures that the personal information you provide is treated confidentially. We only use your data to process orders as quickly and smoothly as possible. For everything else, we will only use your personal data with your permission. Blauw will not sell or provide your personal information to third parties and will only make it available to third parties involved in the execution of your order. Think, for example, of a carrier / transporter.

Your data:
For customers who place an order with us, we need the name, e-mail address, delivery address and payment details or the 'NAW'. Please fill in your details as completely as possible with your order. Only then can we execute your order correctly and keep you informed of its progress.

Safe ordering:

Safety is something we find very important. Your data is therefore also hand and tooth protected by us! All your actions take place in a secure SSL connection, including your payments and even when filling out our contact form.

Access to your own personal data:

You always have the right to inspect, correct and / or delete your personal data.

We only use your email address to inform you about the development of the website, provided you have subscribed to our newsletter. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter. You can read how this works at the bottom of the newsletter. Information about the use of our site and the feedback we receive from our visitors help us to further develop and improve this site.

To write a review about our company:

We would appreciate it if you leave a review about our company! We are curious about your experience with our services. You decide under which name and with which data you place a review. We do reserve the right to withhold certain messages from posting. For example, we do not post reviews with unfounded complaints.


We use cookies on our web shop. What is a cookie? This is a small text file that your browser (the program with which you read / open websites) saves on your computer. Our cookies are used to facilitate the use of our webshop. Our cookies can never damage your computer and the files stored on it. Below you can read which types of cookies we use.

Technical and tracing cookies:
Our webshop uses two types of cookies: technical and tracing cookies. Technical cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of our websites. Tracing cookies are used by us to gain insight into the behavior of visitors to our site. When we can properly map this behavior, it is possible to further optimize our website. You will ultimately reap the benefits!

Blauw uses the following tracing cookies:

Google Analytics
Google Analytics is software that provides insight into website traffic to our website. Google Analytics provides a clear picture of, among other things, the visitor flows, how visitors have found us and gives us information about the number of page views.

Adjust settings of cookies in your browser:
You can set your browser so that you do not install cookies during your visit to our website. Please note: If you do not accept our cookies, there is a chance that you will not be able to fully use the possibilities of our website.